The Knott CoC History
The beginnings of the
Knott Church of Christ
~First Settlers in the Community~
1902- Allreds & Bayes, 1908- Shortes, 1910- Nichols & Gaskins, 1912- Farsters
Mrs. Allred's first record of a Gospel Meeting
The first Church of Christ preacher she ever heard was in 1911 at the Gaskins well by Brother McCraw, Myrtle Nichols' uncle. Myrtle was married to John Nichols and they had eight children: Barney, Katherine, Inez, Edith, Claud, Chuck, Tink, & Johnny. Some of the eight siblings still have family memebers attending the Knott church of Christ, even today.
Brother L.T. Pate, Myrtle's father, was the preacher. The first Knott schoolhouse was located southwest of Knott, where the old cemetery was located. A ten-day-long debate took place between the church of Christ preacher, J. Warlick "The Great Debater" and a Baptist preacher named Kile.
Many books have been written on that debate.
We have no record as to where the church met but it was probably at the schoolhouse. Later a tabernacle was built at Knott just north of where Lloyd's store was located. The church of Christ, First Baptist, and Missionary Baptist all used this tabernacle to meet.
A meeting was held at Knott and a man named W.R. Smith Dean of Abilene Christian College was the preacher. During this meeting, J.C. & Effie Allred, Floyd & Vera Shortes, Tom Castle, and some of his sisters along with others were baptized and from this, the Knott church of Christ began to grow.
Knott and Hiway schools consolidated during this time as well as the two congregations. Members such as Harland's Walkers, Burks, Richards, and Dements came to worship at this time. Brother W.R. Smith held a meeting in the school gym and organized a group of men consisting of J.C. Allred, C.B. Harland, Jim Kendrick, and Cecil Hyden to raise money to build a church building. While the building was being built the church met in the school building. During the next four years, W.R. Smith preached at Knott but had to ride a bus from Abilene and the men of the congregation would take him to catch the bus in Big Spring in the afternoon. This is why we have 5:00 services which continue even today.